If you are unable to make it to an event you are participating in

Once you are committed to taking part in one of our events, we are counting on you to show up, according to the details specified in your confirmation email.  The venue is booked, the researcher is preparing, possibly their clients are attending - and other applicants have been disappointed.

However we do realise that real life can get in the way, and if you need to cancel we'll understand... All we would ask is that you please do as quickly as you can, to maximise our chances of being able to replace you in the time that remains.

The fastest way is to telephone the project booker who called you and whose phone number is shown on the confirmation email you were sent or reply to your confirmation email, which will send your response directly to the project manager working on the research you are booked for.

If you are unable to contact your project manager, please call 020 8481 7160 as quickly as possible.